  • Competencies

Our broad range of Competencies...

Business & IT Strategy

In today’s disruptive, uncertain, increasingly virtualized and globalized workplace, businesses are demanding new ways to innovate, allocate resources and reinvent processes by leveraging the latest technology. We implement business strategies and innovative solutions that help companies drive the required business transformations needed to achieve success.

Digital Transformation

The world is moving towards new digital media and interactive experiences. Faced with rapidly-evolving technologies and changing customer preferences, many organizations struggle with how to transform internally to meet the challenges of this new, always connected digital world. Thirdware can enable organizations to create engaging and consistent digital experiences across every touch-point, providing new opportunities for growth.

Supply Chain Optimization

Rapidly shifting customer demands require agility. Our supply chain consultants can help you align changing demand patterns with optimal fulfillment and inventory options to achieve lower product cost and faster speed to market.


Enterprises are seeking to extract insights from large volumes of complex data sets to refine the products, services and experiences required to outperform the competition. Using a combination of analytical models, systems integration, data analytics and strategic consulting we can help you redefine how you engage with your stakeholders.

Program Management

Success in business is not measured by the ability to conceive a great idea, but rather by the ability to put the idea to action. We have delivered global, transformation programs for our clients by leveraging our expert program management methodology and tools. Thirdware has perfected the art of managing the complexities of large programs that can enable you to turn a winning strategy in to successful reality.


Quality and Testing has become more critical than ever before due to the exponential growth in mobile devices and cloud computing. Thirdware has integrated Quality and Testing practices with Scrum to support underlying Agile values that bolsters your application development initiatives and drives exceptional product quality.

Optimal ERP implementation cycle
Our average ERP implementation period per site is just 4 months
Focused on solving “Business Problems”
Driven to better align IT Solutions/Products for business needs
Industry Experienced Professionals
Ability to relate to relevant Industry Issues, Users talk to users
Award winning implementation partner
Recognized by various software project companies and Industry bodies for exceptional skills and project deliveries

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